Painting & Painters Presentation (Grear)

Resources for the Painting elective's art history presentation

Try ARTstor

What is ARTstor?

ARTstor is a nonprofit digital library of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes.

Our community-built collections comprise contributions from outstanding museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists' estates. --taken from the ARTstor about page

A quick ARTstor Intro

This video from UT Austin gives you a great start to using ARTstor. If you still need help after viewing the information on this site, contact Wheeler's library staff.

Export ArtStor images to PowerPoint

Off Campus??

You'll need a username and password, so be sure to create these while on a school computer so you can still have access to JSTOR resources when off campus.

News and Updates via the ARTstor Blog

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