Image of Johnson's impeachment is from Britannica Image Quest and rights-cleared for educational use. Image of Trump is from The Star Tribune, Minnesota, December 19, 2019.
This LibGuide is designed to help you find documents and information for your US History end of year project.
To help you gather the evidence you need for this paper, we recommend the following.
For this final assignment, we want you to find a link between a specific historical moment, ideology, or concept that occurs within the era covered in our course and a current event.
example: Impeachment of Donald Trump (Current Event) <--- Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (Historical Event)
Explain the connection between the historical event and the current event that you have picked. Work on answering the question you started with in the beginning as well as the overarching question of the project. The key to this project is to identify and explain the causation and correlation of the events you have chosen to explore. Now that you’ve connected the dots what picture has revealed itself?
You will present this final project as an Editorial. More specific information is available on your Google Classroom page.