Ready Player One by Ernest ClineIn the year 2044, Wade Watts, like the rest of humanity, chooses to escape reality and spends his waking hours in the limitless, utopian virtual world of the OASIS, but when Wade stumbles upon the first of the fiendish puzzles set up by OASIS creator James Halliday he finds he must compete with thousands of others--including those willing to commit murder--in order to claim a prize of massive fortune.
When teenage coder Emika Chen hacks her way into the opening tournament of the Warcross Championships, she glitches herself into the game as well as a sinister plot with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire.
Teens from around the world find themselves drawn into an online revolution arranged by a mysterious young woman known as Big Sister Nor, who hopes to challenge the status quo and change the world using her virtual connections.
Clay Jannon, the new night clerk at Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore, notices the strange behavior of the customers and is determined to find out what is really going on.
Archos, a powerful artificial intelligence, takes on the persona of a shy human boy and begins to take over the world's technology and turn it against humanity, launching a robot war that no one seems to be able to contain or stop.
Darrow, a Red, which is the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future, joins a revolutionary cell and attempts to infiltrate an elite military academy after witnessing the execution of his wife.
In 2074, while attending the Hanover School for Expecting Teen Mothers aboard an earth-orbiting spaceship, sixteen-year-old Elvie finds herself in the middle of an alien race war and makes a startling discovery about her pregnancy.
In a future where most people have computer implants in their heads to control their environment, a boy meets an unusual girl who is in serious trouble.
Lois Lane is the new girl at East Metropolis High, and her instinct to ask questions brings her into conflict with some video gamers who are being used in a dangerous virtual reality experiment.
In Aagaesia, a fifteen-year-old boy of unknown lineage called Eragon finds a mysterious stone that weaves his life into an intricate tapestry of destiny, magic, and power, peopled with dragons, elves, and monsters.
Insignia (Book 1)
Tom, a fourteen-year-old genius at virtual reality games, is recruited by the United States Military to begin training at the Pentagon Spire as a Combatant in World War III, controlling the mechanized drones that do the actual fighting off-planet