KiNDLES! at the Prescott Library

We've added eReaders to our collection. Here's a LibGuide to let you know what we have and how YOU can use this service.

Prescott Kindle FAQ

Q: How many Kindles does the Prescott Library have?

A: Currently the library has 18 Kindles, each named after a Weasley or Black relative from the Harry Potter series.  

Q: How long can a Kindle be checked out?

A:  Kindles can circulate for 21 days, but unlike our books, THEY CANNOT BE RENEWED.

Q: Who can check out Prescott Kindles?

A: Faculty and staff may check out a Kindle. Middle School and Upper School students who have a Kindle Consent Form on file in the library are also welcome to check out a Kindle.

Q: What is a Kindle Consent Form?

A: Because our Kindles represent a large fiscal library investment, we ask student users to get permission from their parents/ guardians. This form is available in the documents box below as well as in the Library 

Q: If I check out a Kindle, what do I get?

A: Each Kindle has its own case and power supply which are given to a patron along with the Kindle itself. Titles available on Kindles are listed here or here.

Q: How do books get chosen to be added to Prescott Kindles?

A: Some Kindles (like Kindle #6, Ron) only house titles for teens. Our eldest Kindles (Bill & Charlie) house titles requested by faculty. Others hold a variety of titles. Current titles are listed here. We want Prescott Kindles to hold what YOU want to read.
Nevertheless, please DO NOT ADD any titles to a Prescott Kindle.
If there is a title you are interested in the library acquiring, please print and fill out a request form shown below. Then bring this to the library and we will do our best to honor these requests.

Q: How do I check out a Prescott Kindle?

A: Kindles are available from Ms. Smith or Ms. Covintree at the circulation desk. Kindles must be returned in person to one of these librarians as well.

Q: If I already have a Kindle, can I use library Kindle eBooks?

A: Kindles were not designed for book loaning. While changes are taking place in this area, there are few ways for current Kindle owners to read Prescott Library's eBook titles.
Some of our eBooks are available for LOAN through the Kindle Loan program and those available titles are listed here. Please contact the library staff if you are interested in using this service. 

Kindle Documents

Documents to allow student use of Prescott's Kindle devices. 

Meet our Kindles!

A comic about the Kindles


Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, et al are Kindle Keyboards