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Archived: Election 2020: Voting Information

Information resources and research tips on the November 2020 Elections.

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Voting Matters

Economists Casey B. Mulligan & Charles G. Hunter found in a 2001 study that one of every 100,000 votes cast in federal elections, and one of every 15,000 votes cast in state legislative elections, “mattered in the sense that they were cast for a candidate that officially tied or won by one vote.”

1776: 1 VOTE   adopted the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia

1789: 1 VOTE   elected our first President, George Washington

1800: 1 VOTE   made Thomas Jefferson president instead of Aaron Burr

1845: 2 VOTES brought Texas into the United States

1850: 1 VOTE   admitted California and Oregon into the United States

1867: 1 VOTE   allowed the purchase of Alaska for $72 million from Russia

1868: 1 VOTE   acquitted President Andrew Johnson after being impeached

1876: 1 VOTE   made Rutherford B. Hayes a United States President 

1960: 1 VOTE   changed in each precinct would have defeated John Kennedy

2016: 1 VOTE   your vote, will make a difference November 8th

How to vote

Voting in the United States is relatively simple and easy, for more information, check these links.

Register to vote

If you are a US citizen who will be 18 years old by the November 8, 2016, you can register to vote online here!

What else do I vote for?

It isn't just the president you vote for. Here are other issues and candidates that will be on the ballot this election day.

Where to vote

Use the links below to confirm your voter registration and find out where you go to vote on election day.

Out of town on election day?