Our school has enabled access to NoodleTools through Google Apps!
Clicking on the NoodleTools app in the Universal Navigation Bar or navigating to the customized login page URL in a browser initiates the login process. You will be prompted to select your Google Apps account. If this is not your first time logging in this way, you will be automatically logged in and see your Projects screen.
If this is the first time you have logged in through Google Apps, an intermediate screen gives you an opportunity to either create a new account or to link an existing account to this Google Apps login.
If you are on noodltools.com, you must login using your wheelergmail address and sign in on the side that says Access via Google for Education.
If you are new to NoodleTools or no longer need your old work, choose the Create a new account option on the screen and select whether you are a student or teacher. Click Submit.
On the Update Profile screen, select your graduation year and click Save Profile.
This is will generate a new (empty) NoodleTools account in the system and you are ready to go!
Log in to NoodleTools through the button found within the Google Apps Universal Navigation Bar as pictured here.
Note: The app button does not appear in the menu found under the Google home page (at www.google.com). You must be in a Wheeler Google App, like Mail or Drive.
The intermediate screen below comes up the first time you log in and gives you an option to link to a preexisting account.
If you go through the screen to link an existing account or create a new account, and then realize you’ve made an error, you can unlink the account from your Google ID to start over. For example, you might have linked to the wrong ID/password (sometimes students have made multiple accounts), or you may have created a new account when you meant to link to an existing one.
To correct this, click My Account in in the upper right on your NoodleTools screen to edit your user profile, then click “Click here if you would like to connect your Google Apps login to a different NoodleTools account” option at the bottom of that screen.
Clicking the link signs you out and disconnects your Google Apps login from the account. The next time you click on the NoodleTools app, you will see the intermediate screen again, allowing you to link to an existing account or create a new account.
In the My Project listings, find the project you would like to change and then look to the far right.
Under the "Option" menu you'll see options to "Change Style" or "Change Level" of your project.
Choose the which you want and switch to the new Style/Level you want to use.
Once you've made the switch, be sure to DOUBLE CHECK your citations!
Each citation in your list should be reviewed after the conversion, since some aspects vary between styles.
On your Project's dashboard, choose the "Share project with a teacher's inbox" link to open a new page. Search for your teacher's name and select your class, section, year. Your project should now be shared and you may even find additional resources now appear as links on your dashboard.
Apple and Android apps are forms of Software.
NoodleTools has "Software" as an option in its list of choices under Electronic/Online (Exclusively) in all three formats (MLA, APA, and Chicago).
Since you are citing a Mobile App, once in the Software form, make sure to switch the top tab to "Mobile App."
From there, you should be able to fill out the form with the requested information as best as possible with the information provided through the app itself and the app store where the item was purchased. Remember that clicking on a box to fill out will provide you with a definition that field.
For more help, speak with Ms. Covintree.
To cite a Work of Visual Art you need to be in the Advanced level of your citation style.
Once you choose Work of Visual Art from the drop down menu in NoodleTools, fill out the information as needed.
Make sure and switch to where you found the image (database, website, digital file, etc).
Remember: If you are have downloaded a collection of images into a presentationfrom ARTStor and OR if you are using images from Britannica Image Quest, you don't need to cite these images in Noodletools. YOU DO NEED TO INCLUDE A STATEMENT LIKE THIS within your final work:
“All images are from [Britannica Image Quest / ARTStor] and are rights-cleared for educational use. Any images not from this source are listed in the Bibliography.”
The In-text reference next to each source opens a new screen with information on how to create the parenthetical for that specific entry. Depending on the source, the help screen may ask for a page or volume number to help complete the parenthetical reference.
Additional guidelines for dealing with placement, repeating a source, multiple works by the same author, and more are listed below the customized example and are worth the read.
Like the APA and MLA formats, the Footnote format link is in the "Options" menu for each source you create.
This opens a help screen that shows how to create both full and shortened versions of a source's footnote. It also has the customization option.
Additional guidelines for dealing with footnote placement, using "Ibid.", referring to multiple sources in one footnote, and more are listed below each customized example and are worth reading.
If you Copy & Paste citation information in to NoodleTools from another source, you will not be able to see what the parenthetical citation OR the footnote format. In those cases, you will have to manually create the in-text format. Reviewing the additional content in the guidelines NoodleTools provides with the In-text Reference or Footnote Format popups will be very helpful.