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UN Crisis Project (Clark, Lytle, Thomas)

Choose a specific crisis or issue and assess: What motivated the UN to act (or not)? How successful the UN was in moderating the situation? Was the UN able to achieve goals of promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights?

Using still images in your video

Photos and other images from others may be used in your project provided it was LEGALLY acquired and is properly credited. Check below for places to download Royalty Free, Creative Commons, or other usable images.

Video Making Tips, Clips, and Tricks!

Building a Storyboard

Video Supplements

The following sites allow for creation of animation, infographics or other elements you may want to add to your video. Keep in mind that NONE of these are required and could add more work for you than you really need/want.

Using music in your video

Music from others may be used in your project provided it was LEGALLY acquired and is properly credited. Check below for places to download Royalty Free, Creative Commons, or other usable music.